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Chest Seals | Thoracic Seals | Specialty Medical Bandages
FASTTrack Medical Solutions LLC is the manufacturer of the only fully functional thoracic seal (chest seal) on the market. While other chest seals on the market have limited functionality the patented proprietary protected valve along with the proprietary hydrogel Hydroseal Technology™ allow it to be placed anywhere in the thoracic region. The Hydroseal Technology™ extends to the FAST Combat Wound Seal® (CWS)6™ which can be used as a companion to FASTBreathe Thoracic Seal® (FTS)® or effectively used to quickly secure a wound dressing anywhere on the body. These products, developed by medics and doctors, and laboratory and field-tested are today’s state-of-the-art. Soon you will see more products utilizing this amazing hydrogel Hydroseal Technology™.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Penetrating chest wounds caused by a blunt force applied to the chest can lead to a fatal end. When left unattended, it can result in death even in just a few minutes. Introducing the Fast Breathe Thoracic Seal (FTS), the first and only product that uses patented technology for managing open wounds in the thoracic region. The Hydroseal Technology adhesive can stick to the skin, whether bloody, wet or dry without leaving any damage. Considered to be a cut above the rest, this product does not flow when folded, making it possible to be stored into compact spaces. Its adhesive power and portability makes the Fast Breathe Thoracic Seal (FTS) reliable in pre-hospital treatment of penetrating wounds in the chest area.

How It Works
Compact, light and reliable. Fast Track Medical Solutions made sure that its innovative Fast Breathe Thoracic Seal (FTS) will be the go-to method of managing open wounds in the thoracic region. It uses an occlusive seal that bonds aggressively with the skin without leaving any damage. This effectively minimizes the risk of the patient from having tension pneumothorax or a collapsed lung.
On top of the Fast Breathe Thoracic Seal (FTS), a no-valve adhesive bandage called FAST Combat Wound Seal (CWS) 6 is used to cover and occlude a possible exit wound. This adhesive will secure the wound without the need for gauze wrapping and tape.